The key of Sounds

about psychosonics

Dr Bernard Auriol

This work (Érès, first edition 1991- second edition 1994) is about physiology and of psycho-acoustic. It regards the known bonds between the sound in its various attributes (intensity, pitch, timbre, localization...) and the human being considered as body and psychic organization as well. It explores more than aesthetic pleasures of music, especially, multiple components of the sound in their effects, which can lead, not only to a therapeutic or occupational use of the sound, but also to the exploration of desired effects on the most intimate emotions. As Yehudi Menuhin tells to us "the Sound penetrates our body directly. What the ear can achieve inside our brain, inside our lives, nothing other cannot do it." It adds "the use of the high frequencies opens all a new world to us. The sonic therapy has a specific effect which seems to have wide implications and astonishing results. I believe that that constitutes an opening of greater effectiveness for the music and health ". The low frequencies and the intermediate ones have also specific effects; the differential stimulation of the two ears, the nature of the rates/rhythms, etc... are also specific : lot of observations at the disposal of the musician, the creator of jingles, the actor, the dancer, the scenario writer, etc... The stimulation and the exercise of the auditive functions by means of suitable techniques can change the future of an individual who becomes suddenly interested in reading and studies, who improves his/her relationships, undertakes actions which he/she neglected before! The development or, could one say, the over-education of its system of listening are for the musician or singer as justified as the practice of the training routine for the professional sportsman: the jogging is not any more one luxury but a daily requirement.
PREFACE by Pr Jean-Claude RISSET, CNRS gold medal

1) listening !

(Anatomy and Physiology : listening is an action)


in progress

2) Development of the Listening function

(from the birth to the end)



2 bis) Diaporama : "The development of the listening function" (CHU Dijon, May 2007)


3) Listening-thresholds

(assessing the listening function: the listening testing)


4) Listening differences

(discrimination of pitches and durations)


5) The mermaids song

(Effects of sounds on human being)


6) Two listenings

( about laterality development and its impairments)


7) Utterances

(about voice and expressed sounds)


8) Changing the listening performance

(Devices to train listening and voice)


9) For whom ? For what ?

(Indications and usages)


10) Desperate listening

(Mythology : Echo and Narcissus)


11) Hyperacusis and tinnitus

(Being submitted to the listening)


12) The listening body

(chakras and audiogram)


13) Listen ! Listen !

(Let us dare psychoanalyze listening)





Psychosonique Yogathérapie Psychanalyse & Psychothérapie Dynamique des groupes Eléments Personnels

© Copyright Bernard AURIOL (email : )

December, 2, 2007