Bio psychology of primary narcissism (suite de)

after "Bio-psychologie du Narcissisme Primaire"

Dr Bernard AURIOL

Translated by Stéphanie Haton



What obstetrician's call "foetal suffering" is a physical stress, a lack of oxygen (added to a lack of [protids], vitamins, and trace elements) which can be harmful for the baby, expressed by heart rhythm or defecation before birth. Using the word "suffering" could seem excessive but what do we know about such an early life? Yet, Sontag'work (1941) discovered that foetal movement increases a lot when the mothers go through stressful situations. The anxious feeling felt by the embryo can last up to weeks after the actual event and even have consequences for its future life (Bettelheim, 1967)...Babies rats submitted to stress in utero showed long term sleeping disorders (Adrien J., Dugovic C.).This is due to the nervous apparatus immaturity: connexions development, fibres myelinisation in process..( Janov, 1973).

At the same time, sensory stimulations "inform" the baby. It can be vestibular excitement coming from the mother's movements (such as swaying, rotating and inclination on different axes), tactile and kinaesthetic arousal generated by the uterine tonus, the use of garments, the external touch on the abdominal wall, intercourse, respiratory and cardiac movements, etc. Finally, there is no doubt that a foetus can hear!

Foetal malnutrition is also a stress factor and has a tendency to leading to depression even at a great age ....

Pre-enrolment (pre- inscription)

Voice (maternal, paternal,etc.) is first of all heard as a rhythm and tonal modulation. It is universal, recognizable but never identical, badly polished model of what it will be later like for any living creation. (...)

For example if a particular type of respiratory or cardiac rhythm pattern emerges when the mother is under stress, then the ulterior presentation of similar rhythms (musical for example) will generate the same emotion felt during stress whatever the cultural origins are. Happy excitement will generate another kind of rhythm, which will bring nice feelings when the baby will hear this rhythm later on ....

The strong impact of maternal heartbeat on the foetus' neuronal construction has been established. The mother's heartbeat brings peace to the new- born baby. The hypothesis is that the "spontaneous motor tempo" of the young child is depending on the mother's heartbeat: when a four- year- old child is asked to clap his hands, he's doing an average rhythm of 170 claps per minute which is also the same rhythm found in the sucking pattern. This rhythm happens to be the double of the maternal heartbeat (which is accelerated from physiological tachycardia induced by pregnancy, increasing the rate from 70 bpm to 80 and even 90 bpm).

During pregnancy, the less nutrients the foetus has, the smaller the baby will be! On the contrary of premature babies who catch up with their [congenerous], [hypotrophic] newborn babies will statistically remain smaller even as adults. From a selective point of view, less voracious children will be more inclined to survive famine!


Gynaecologists point out frequent constipation is due to the large intestine compression and the muscles lack of tonus under progesterone influence. Yet it doesn't stop it from moving! Intestinal noises have to be taken into account considering the infinite varieties of combinations.

Gerda Boyesen's Biodynamic School emphasises on the diagnostic role of the subject's psycho?emotional state. A relaxed transit, sounding like a peaceful river, matches a pleasant and untroubled mental condition, with no pregnant conflict. When anxiety occurs, peristalsis blockage and respiratory full lungs arrest happen simultaneously: silence is there. When tension relieves, rumbling which could be compared to "the roar of a lion" is heard. A"Creaking door" noise would indicate a serious tension and intra?psychic conflicts.

Our hypothesis is:

wave bands correspond to different types of intestinal noises which will always be linked to a particular emotional state.

Primitive scene

The foetus frequently experiences its parental sexual intercourse. This event, especially if orgasm is reached by both partners, can not have no effect on the baby, so much that at this point he can't be left aside ...

I found it quite a mystery that this primitive scene is so much ignored compared to the anal or Oedipus scenes; from this first politeness it comes to blows: Freud maintains an archaic base to this type of experiment, even though he agrees with Jung considering that the experience is built after the story... His idea (very modem) is that inherited schemes can exist in any man, they are transmitted independently from facts, serving as a framework or (even) deforming them.

Biologists see these schemes as the roots of the first inherent behaviour to any species.

The origins of fantasies come from a "biological" scheme, even when they are hidden behind lies when told, but it doesn't stop them being carnally refuelled: not only noises heard from the corridor near the bridal room, or indignation to find a baby's bed in the promiscuity of the parents bedroom...

This lack of privacy has had better days ? despite the physical closeness of the parents?to?be, intercourse hasn't been favourably considered by doctors after six months of pregnancy? .... This prescription was sometimes followed, the last month above all. Great will be the reward for those who don’t respect the prescription (Masters, 1996). Such an Ukase, returned to her virginal chastity, the non founded medical idea is suggested to the mother, that, the erected penis can destroy the fruit of her entrails. Fantasies play an important role for their partners and help them to remain abstinent. But they can sometimes weaken in the arms of another (Masters, 1966).







Psychosonique Yogathérapie Psychanalyse & Psychothérapie Dynamique des groupes Eléments Personnels

© Copyright Bernard AURIOL (email : )

11 Décembre 2005