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Reptilian : This "brain" comprises the brainstem and the cerebellum. It is responsible for species-specific behavior: instinctive behavior such as self-preservation and aggression. Basic life-sustaining processes of the body, (respiration, heart beat, sleep, etc).

It privileges the sense of smell and taste. It reigns on our fundamental drives : hunger, thirst, sexuality, aggressivity, imitation.

Mammalian : limbic system ( hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, => responsible for emotions..

neomammalian : neocortex : This "" brain is responsible for higher cognitive functions such as language and reasoning.


Psychosonique Yogathérapie Psychanalyse & Psychothérapie Dynamique des groupes Eléments Personnels

© Copyright Bernard AURIOL (email : )

26 Mai 2007