Yoga sport is not only Asanas
but also screening of knowledge !

Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Bhavanani

Here is the theory paper that has been attempted by the nearly 500 participants

1. The Mahavakyam “Tatvamasi” means
1. “I am Brahman”
2. “Intelligence is Brahman”
3. “Thou art that”
4. “I am Divine”
5. “This self is Brahman”

2. Klishta-Aklishta is related to
1. Chitta Bhumi
2. Chitta Vritti
3. Chitta Vikshepa
4. Chintamayakosha
5. Viveka Choodamani

3. Tvak is one of the
1. Jnanendriya
2. Karmendriya
3. Ekendriya
4. Indriyajaya
5. Atmendriya

4. The organic phase is the _______ phase of stress disorders
1. first
2. second
3. third
4. fourth
5. fifth

5. Patanjali advises us to cultivate Karuna towards the _____
1. Apunya
2. Dukkha
3. Punya
4. Sukha
5. All of the above

6. Jiva Karma means
1. Life benefits
2. Life style
3. Life energy
4. Life time
5. Past Life action

7. Types of Trataka don’t include
1. Jyothi Trataka
2. Mukti Trataka
3. Jatra Trataka
4. Nasarga Trataka
5. Adomukha Trataka

8. Which Shat Kriya can also be called a Pranayama?
1. Trataka
2. Dhauti
3. Basti
4. Kapalabhati
5. Nauli

9. Which of the following is not a Shat Karma?
1. Sthala Basti
2. Bhrumadhya Trataka
3. Kapalabhati
4. Shankaprakshalana
5. Dugdha Neti

10. Water is taken in mouth and let out the nose in_____
1. Vyutkrama Kapalabhati
2. Seetkrama Kapalabhati
3. Surya Anuloma Kapalabhati
4. Chandra Anuloma Kapalabhati
5. Surya Bhedana Kapalabhati

11. Which Prana Vayu pervades the entire body?
1. Udana
2. Vyana
3. Prana
4. Apana
5. Samana

12. Mind attains ‘fitness for Dharana’ through perfection in
1. Yama
2. Niyama
3. Asana
4. Pranayama
5. Pratyahara

13. The Ekendriya is related to the
1. Mooladhara Chakra
2. Manipura Chakra
3. Ajna Chakra
4. Vishuddha Chakra
5. Swadhisthana Chakra

14. Lowest of the lower seven Lokas is
1. Atala
2. Talatala
3. Patala
4. Rasatala
5. Vitala

15. The state of deep sleep is
1. Jagrat
2. Swapna
3. Sushupti
4. Thuriya
5. Thuriyatita

16. Majjaa is not a part of the
1. Musculoskeletal system
2. Tridosha
3. Saptadhatu
4. Navadhushya
5. Dwadashakarma

17. Vayu is one of the
1. Pancha Karma
2. Pancha Maha Bhuta
3. Pancha Chitta Vritti
4. Pancha Deha Dosha
5. Pancha Niyama

18. Vedanta Darshana was codified by
1. Patanjali
2. Badaraayana
3. Jaimini
4. Kapila
5. Gauthama

19. Samyama comprises of the
1. First 3 steps of Ashtanga Yoga
2. Last 3 steps of Ashtanga Yoga
3. Asana and Pranayama
4. Dharana and Dhyana
5. Dhyana and Samadhi

20. “Yoga is a way of life” - is a definition that was given by
1. Yogendra Desai
2. Lord Krishna
3. Swami Gitananda Giri
4. Maharishi Patanjali
5. B.K.S. Iyengar.

21. Perfection in Ishwara Pranidhana leads to
1. Pratyahara
2. Dharana
3. Dhyana
4. Samyama
5. Samadhi

22. Saptanga Yoga consists of ___limbs.
1. Six
2. Seven
3. Eight
4. Seventeen
5. Seventy

23. Knowledge of all previous and future births is gained by

1. Tapas
2. Aparigraha
3. Asteya
4. Swadhayaya
5. Brahmacharya

24. Bhadrasana is mentioned in
1. Bhagavad Gita
2. Yoga Sutra
3. Yoga Vashistha
4. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
5. None of the above.

25. Samana is not a
1. Upa Prana Vayu
2. Jnanendriya
3. a and b
4. Prana Vayu.
5. All the above




Psychosonique Yogathérapie Psychanalyse & Psychothérapie Dynamique des groupes Eléments Personnels

© Copyright Bernard AURIOL (email : )

5 Mars 2009
