“Let your ears be tweaked " (2)

A synthetic view of the scientifically measurable effects resulting from sonic cures and musicotherapy.

Dr Bernard Auriol


Conference given at "Latitudes Conferences", 19th July, 2005 in the Cultural Centre of  “Moulin de La Toulzanie" (Lot, France)

 Cycle Organized by Pr Barbara Philips, PhD

Translated in English by Nahia Bonzom-Gourc.



Psychometric study

In order to go beyond the empiric and questionable indications, Evelyne Deneys (1986) has used  the MMPI test before and after the psychosonic therapy (Electronic Ear of Tomatis)

Her survey gives expectations on which dimensions of the personality are going to act the « filtered sounds » and to some extent how the target symptoms and/or the structures that infer to them can be amended.

  We could deduce from it that this kind of therapy lead to

  • A more important trend to exteriorize disorders in socially adapted actions forms  (decreasing of the anguish, depression, interiorization, introversion and neurosis scales ; increasing of the “ego strength”)
  • And a more important ability to adapt without any noteworthy change of the basic psychopathological structure  (the “obvies” scales are getting better whereas the “subtle”  scales remain the same) : the kind of neurosis remain the same, the psychotic scales don’t change.

All this goes in the same way of the clinical observations which have led all the practitioners to point out the « relationship energization » produced by the sonic therapy. It is question of an opening to the communication and to the external world : awakening, concentration, attention, activity, human relationships.

Two scales (A and R) useful for the research have been suggested by G.Welsh (1956) : they make up a very satisfactory assessment of the basic factors which have been set apart  in a steady way in the factor studies of the MMPI.

The comparision before-after a sound therapy shows a  systematic decreasing of the factor component A in the MMPI and some uncertain variations maybe (in any case no significant regarding the studied population) of the factor R. Thus, only the “A” scale seems to get a noteworthy change thanks to the sound therapy. How to characterize this scale?

We are going to condense here the content of the questions that make it up :

  • F44, F42 Difficulty to undertake to do something
  • I23 Difficulty of concentration
  • I35 feeling that life is a continious effort
  • J13 Often tired
  • J04 Feeling of being just going to collapse
  • I27, I15, C22, C19 Lack of perseverance, desire to give up
  • F43,G42 to keep a check on oneself
  • G51 real-life based on unreality
  • G36,C25 Lack of spontaneity
  • H29, G01, F47, I54 Anxious
  • F45, F54, F49 is in the doldrums
  • I36, I31, G05 is self-depreciating, feeling of being guilty
  • F04, H02 sad, do not feel at ease in himself
  • F35 Feeling of loneliness
  • F16, F17 Secret
  • F34, I17 sensitive and is afraid of being unpleasant
  • F36 envying the others
  • G45 suppressed/reserved aggressiveness


We note that the scale A is more related to the “subjective” and “intersubjective” world of the values, judgments, the interior life, feelings, etc. The increasing of this scale is linked to a rise of the “existential anguish”, of the tragic feeling of the life”, of the introversion, of a state of tension regarding the love life, to the detriment of the action, environment care, of the direct communication with others (introverted of Eysenck : feeling-introverted / thought-extroverted axis of C.G. Jung ; type EnAS of Heymans and Wiersma).


Mr « A » (Mrs !) is secret, lone, shy and introverted, sensitive. He is in the doldrums, keeps a check on himself, is afraid of being unpleasant, is convinced that everyone criticizes him, compares himself with others, takes pleasure in feeling of desire for something, of inferiority, of incapability. He hesitates, corrects himself, gives-up and feels guilty.


According to him, life is a continuous effort that exhausts him up to the feeling of collapsing. In front of difficulties that impress him, he is tempted to give up and, if he is driven in this way, he resigns, then deplores it and mopes.


These remarks are homogeneous to various observations done from another source : high-pitched, cultivated by the therapy, are linked with the “increasing” authorities of the personality (Superego, principle of the reality), whereas low-pitched are refering to the “inferior” parts (id, pleasure principle). The exercice laying stress on the speech and the left hemisphere lead also to consider the reality in its relational and social side.



Study of the audiometrics tests :

A. We had shown , within a first study that we assit to an improvement of the hearing by the Audio-training :

1. An analysis in main component shows that the more sessions are performed , the best is the hearing for all the considered thresholds (especially regarding aerial curve)

2. The more sessions are performed and the more the right aerial threshold can be distinguished from the left one. We cannot neglect to say that the suggested training favours the right ear . Let’s take the opportunity to remind the work of Martine VALIÈRE-MONTAUD, Gisèle ROTH, Jean RIBO and Pierre F. Montaud speech therapists. They have shown the existence of an auditory “laterality” and have studied the links between this laterality and the one of the hand, of the eye and of the foot. This allowed them to note statistically speaking that a non homogeneous laterality goes hand in hand with some backwardness at school (most of time tied up with some language disorders).

3. The hearing distortions (differences between the tresholds of a same curve) are all the less marked that the subject is trained (all the more so since it is question of aerial against bone, and of right against left).
4. Furthermore the ascending and descending curves are inclined to get an horizontal position with the training.

B. The Professor Raufaste has initiated a systematic study him as well on a more important population and with a different statistical approach.

1. It emerges from the whole aerial results that a noticeable improvement arises for the right ear between the two first tests. This improvement is still significant but more and more reduced between the subsequent successive tests. The phenomenon is similar for the left ear although less important.

2. The results are more or less the same regarding the bone’s hearing. Here also, the effect is clearly more important in the right side. It has to be noticed the effect of the received sessions between the fourth and fifth test (active phase) very clear improvement of the right bone’s hearing.

3. It seems that the sex has no effect statistically speaking on these benefits.

4. The age seems to be a significant factor at the first approach : the therapy gives all the more effects that it has been initiated earlier in the life. Among children the benefits are highter and more systematic. Nevertheless, the contribution of each session is weaker and weaker. Among adult benefits are more limited but the contribution of each session don’t decrease with the number of sessions.

Works carried out by various authors, on the effects of an advanced exposure of the premature baby to the sonorous stimulation lead to the following conclusions :

  • Better behaviour results of GRAHAM-ROSENBLITH
  • Better performance in the BAYLEY scale at 9 months (MALLOY 1979)
  • Better hearing at 36 weeks
  • Increased sensitiveness regarding sonorous stimulus (SEGALL 1971)
  • Increase of the muscular tone
  • Speeding up of the Development of the behaviour aspect with  increasing of the maturation at the motor and tactile level
  • Increased quietness, eased sleepiness
  • Decreasing of the heartbeat (KATZ, 1971 when the children have been stimulated by the voice of their mother from the 5 days after the birth up to 36 months)
  • Gaining of weight (CHAPMAN 1978-1979) (cradlesongs are more efficient than the maternal voice).
  • Earlier coming out from the hospital


The two more efficient musics so as to calm down the early premature babies are the traditional Indo-Europeans songs and the Gregorian ones, stimulus with the highest  harmonics content. They are musics that act since the beginning of the sound emission : decreasing of the heartbeat frequency at least of 10 beats per minute. Also we note an increasing of the amplitude and a decreasing of the breathing frequency. Among babies that cry, a 90% are calmed down in the 3 minutes after the beginning of the sound emission. At the beginning  of the piece of music, babies open their eyes and their movements are decreasing (care phase) then we go towards a quiet sleep phase.

Predicative capacity of the psychological tests.

Since it exists an effect of the number of sessions on the hearing test, and that this effect may be explained by central phenomenons, we may wonder if the psychological tests form preachers of the effect of the sessions.

Test of Lüscher

1. the less the dark navy blue  is enjoyed and the more the benefits are strong. This effect is extremely significant (p <.0001) for all the aerial as bone’s frequencies. It is the same for the red orange-coloured (but it is less significant : p <.01 for all the frequencies). We observe, to a lesser extent, the same for the dark.

2. On the other hand, the more the green is enjoyed and the more the benefits are strong at all the frequencies, in aerial as well as in bone (p<.0001). This effect exists also for the choice of the yellow, but in a less significant way.


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Psychosonique Yogathérapie Psychanalyse & Psychothérapie Dynamique des groupes Eléments Personnels

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8 Novembre 2005